Thursday, January 15, 2009


So I forgot to blog last night. Even after I told Anne I totally would. (sorry Anne)
Well yesterday was a pretty stressful day at work. So glad it was a Bunco Night!!! I needed some time for me to unwind!
Bunco was a BLAST! My great friend Anne was a sub last night and even came in 2nd place! You totally should have been there for her acceptance speech.....but since you were not her is a little....."I would like to thank God, my family, and all my fans" LOL It was great. But that speech was put to shame when we left and she did her " I won 2nd Place" Dance!! Totally Fab!!!
Then we went to Target to run a muck for 20 min. til they closed!
We had a great time.
I was so tired when I got home I just went straight to sleep.


  1. LoL! you're so cute...

    had a good time with you! (go back and capitalize God, little missy!)

    have a fabulous day!


  2. That's oaky..all is forgiven. I'm glad you guys had a blast..too late for my ol' lady butt.
    xoxoxoox Jody

  3. BUNCO is a lot of fun. Sounds like you guys had a blast! :)
