Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I think the CLAIR jeans run deep in this family. They all look alike. I love to see them all together. Tayler really loves her Daddy and Uncle Mikey.
The two boys say they don't look that much alike....I say they are nuts!
I love this picture. They are some of the most important people in my life.
My Husband Nic, My Daughter Tayler, and My Brother-In-Law (who I think of more as a brother than an In-Law)


  1. You have a lovely family. I can definately see the resemblance all around :)

    ♥ see you sunday!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! They look soooo alike!!!! The only differnce is the hair! Are they crazy!!!???

  3. Ummmmm.....hello? Look alike? Just different colored hair {the guys} MY GOSH!!!
    But hey? Bingo sat?

    Very cute picture :)
