So, I know I like it when other people follow the tags I do, so I'm following the one that tagged me... Anne
It's the *8* things post!
8 Things I Look Forward To...
#1.) Seeing Tayler
#2.) Kisses from Tayler and Nic
#3.) Seeing Tayler do new things and get excited.
#4.) Diet Pepsi!!!
#5.) Sleeping In
#6.) shopping
#7.) Scrapbooking
#8.) Being around people I love!
8 Things I Did Yesterday
#1.) Woke up....Ugh it was Monday.
#2.) took Tayler to school
#3.) Went to work
#4.) Took Tayler to fire station to get pictures of flat Stanley.
#5.) Took Tayler to gymnastics class
#6.) Ate dinner with My sis.
#7.) Watched TV
#8.) Went to bed....I like that part!
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
#1.) Sky Dive for my Birthday
#2.) Believe in the unknown
#3.) Be a stay at home mom.....(know that wont happen but I can wish)
#4.) have a big party with all my friends for my Birthday
#5.) exersize and diet and lose some weight.....( the will is not there yet)
#6.) I wish I could have my Dad and Mother-in-Law back!!
#7.) Have lots of money ...Not really have to "want" for things.
#8.) Put Tayler through School...
8 Shows I watch:
#1.) Grey's Anatomy
#2.) American Idol
#3.) Hell's Kitchen
#4.) NCIS
#5.) Big Bang Theory
#6.) Deadliest Catch
#7.) Family Guy
#8.) Criminal Minds
Those are my 8's.
My turn to tag....YOU!
Come on, you know you want to!Here's the rules, just in case you want to follow them:
1) Mention the name of the person who tagged you.
2) Do the lists of 8.
3) Tag 8 bloggers of your choice.
My tags: I have
4) Let them know that they have been tagged!